[SAARC-general] Fwd: Aeronautical Mobile Saturday

BobHeiser w7ikt at fly-web.us
Mon Oct 24 18:00:09 PDT 2022

Radio is Yaesu VXA-700 HT, operates both 2m ham and aircraft 118-136Mc, 
has jacks to plug a aircraft head set in.  I put a 1/4 wave homemade 
whip on the belly.  Lorenzo AE5LH maned the radio while I flew the plane 
around the city.  Lorenzo un-plunged his headset from the plane and 
plunged into the HT.  We operated using the club call W5QX.  My call is 
W7IKT.  Airplane is Zenith Cruzer CH-750 built by my wife N5CBQ and me.  
We made 8 contacts, yours would be the longest.  We were in air for an 
hour and 20 minutes. When we fly and operate again I plan on making an 
interface so both of us can hear the ham traffic.

On 10/23/22 6:29 PM, Matthew Morris wrote:
> Forwarding a question to you that was sent to the club gmail.
> 73,
> Matthew K5ICR
> *From: *Topp Robertson <topp.robertson at gmail.com>
> *To: *san.angelo.arc at gmail.com
> *Date: *Oct 23, 2022 18:22:07
> *Subject: *Aeronautical Mobile Saturday
> Hello San Angelo ARC!
> Great making contact with you yesterday!  Aeronautical mobile to 
> aeronautical mobile, what was the chance of that happening?  Could be 
> the start of something, aeronautical mobile simplex net?  LOL.
> How many contacts did you log?  Longest DX?  I logged 20 from Decatur 
> to McAllen.  Cross country not sure how I could figure DX on the fly.  
> You may have been the longest. I'm guessing 170 miles.  I think I was 
> near Granbury, 6,500'.
> I QSYd to .580 and kept getting contacts.  Operators said I showed up 
> on their band scope, how they found me. And some operators had .580 on 
> their scanner and caught me. I checked about an hour later and didn't 
> hear you, so I QSYd back to .520 for the rest of the trip.
> What was your rig?  I was using a Yaesu FT-5D at 5W, RAMI AV-210 dual 
> band antenna mounted behind the rear window. '67 150G.
> 73!
> Topp Robertson, KI5LET
God Bless,
Bob Heiser W7IKT
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